Acne laser treatments in Downingtown, PA
The choices you make everyday have an impact on your skin - specifically acne! At The Marigold Spa in Downingtown, we offer an alternative to oral medications such as Accutane or long-term antibiotics.
Zap Acne Away
The choices you make everyday have an impact on your skin - specifically acne! At The Marigold Spa in Downingtown, we offer an alternative to oral medications such as Accutane or long-term antibiotics.
We can take a look together at ways we can help your skin heal itself to create lasting results. We focus on combining treatments such as Acne Laser Treatments with Chemical Peels, and customize a skincare routine using the Face Reality acne-specific skincare line.
About Laser Acne Treatments
• Adult Acne
• Teenage Acne
• Cystic Acne
• 30-45 minutes
• Minimal downtime required
• Between 1-2 days of redness post-treatment
• Makeup can be applied immediately following treatment
• Consultation required prior to scheduling treatment
• Patients with a tan (real or spray tan) are not candidates for treatment
• Specific questions and concerns will be addressed during consultation
How Laser Acne Treatments Work
Acne Laser Treatments with the AC Dual is a method of acne treatment that uses unique laser technology to gently deliver powerful energy for quick, side-effect-free results. The laser energy destroys acne bacteria and reduces inflammation to control your current breakouts while inhibiting sebum and oil output to lessen the likelihood of future breakouts.
In addition, it helps to generate new collagen, which diminishes any acne scars. The treatment can be followed by a CellLuma treatment to help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Our unique treatment leaves your skin looking clear, healthy, and amazingly radiant.
Active acne, inflammation
and redness.
Sebecous Gland
Hair Folicle
Dead skin cells and excess sebum cause pores to become blocked. P. acnes bacteria then begin to build up in the excess sebum, causing infection, inflammation, and, ultimately, acne.
Laser Energy
The laser light excites P. acnes-produced porphyrins to produce singlet oxygen, a cytotoxic intermediate that destroys P. acnes bacteria.
Laser Energy
Sebecous Gland
Deep-heating, high power from the laser heats up the sebaceous glands, thus reducing their size and suppressing output of sebum.
Redness and
The coagulation of blood capillaries in inflamed lesions blocks the inflammatory response and reduces pressure on the surrounding tissue, decreasing pain and erythema.
Water-based laser energy absorption in the deeper dermis causes collagen remodeling, resulting in improved skin texture and a reduction in acne scars.
The pore unblocks. The sebaceous gland shrinks and sebum output is reduced. Inflammation and redness are alleviated. The skin becomes cleaner and smoother.
About Acne-Specific Chemical Peels
The Marigold Spa carries a wide array of acne-specific peels from Face Reality and also VI Peel line of chemical peels. This allows us to customize your treatment based on your individual needs.
About Face Reality Skincare Products
Face Reality™ award-winning skincare products are specifically formulated for acne-prone skin and are guaranteed not to clog your pores - meticulously crafted without acne-causing ingredients that are commonly found in other “acne fighting” skincare lines on the market.
The Marigold Spa is an authorized provider of the Face Reality skincare line. This line works synergistaclly with our other acne solutions.